FRANCE 24 Health – The chemistry of love, and sex addiction

HEALTH – This week: You love not with all your heart, but with all your brain, HEALTH looks at the chemistry of love before meeting a man who is addicted to sex.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

In this episode of ‘Raw Justice,’ a depraved sex fiend violated his wife’s body almost weekly for ten years before finally murdering her.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

35 comentarios en “FRANCE 24 Health – The chemistry of love, and sex addiction”

  1. 宝くじ当選 詳細 当選金一億譲ります


  2. popaoiuihasukisukis

    急な出費や冠婚葬祭、生活費などお金でお困りの方に現金を差し上げたいと思っております。【 http:// 】か又はyoutube内の動画検索にて『 よふさ 』で検索して下さい。あなた様の準備がととのい次第、最短30分程でお受け取り頂ける事ができます。書き込みが消えてしまう恐れがありますので、ご連絡お待ちしております…条件などは一切御座いません。

  3. what she doesnt tell is that chemically, those dopamine levels drop after a period of time with one person. its the reason why we fall out of «love» even if other aspects of the relationship is «satisfactory»…

  4. sex addiction? nonsense. come on just get some hookers. they provide great service and you will get sick and tire of sex after some blowjob

  5. erieejustice911

    Hello my name is Brenda and I’m trying to get my sons injustice out to all who carry. This is not spam!! My son is doing 17 to 34 years for self defense that turned to murder,the kid that was shot was a relative of the arresting officer. I heard the call dispatched on my police scanner,I know whats missing on the 911tape.Please ,If you see the injustice,give me the thumbs up,add me as a contact,or do a video. You Tube Erie Parties/Joel Atkin..Stay Safe Out There and God Bless!!!

  6. All the people throwing the words «joke», «real» and «fake» around…

    I understood the concept of «satire» when I was a kid, and I didn’t even know what the fucking word meant. I don’t exactly know how it’s THAT hard of a concept to interpret and understand.

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