Rep. Iscoe warns gays will give penises to lesbians who will give them vaginas so that homosexuals can marry and continue their attack on the American family.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
View full lesson: From something as small and complex as a chromosome to something as seemingly simple as the weather, sex determination systems vary significantly across the animal kingdom. Biologist and teacher Aaron Reedy shows us the amazing differences between species when it comes to determination of gender. Lesson by Aaron Reedy, animation by BuzzCo.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i like this man, trust me i almost fall into a tranny trap. good thing its(tranny) a regular customer at the bar , i wouldn’t have find out.
I know this is a joke but Shits got me pissed right now haha
lmfaooo this is why I love the onion
… btw at 1:16 is what was shown at the end of the Onions: Ambassador Stages UN Coup, Issues Long List of Non-Binding Resolutions. youtube video again.
You know a judge in Oklahoma gave this reason for not granting two name changes?
Just goes to show, you can’t parody stupid.
Of course it fucking is. Are you completely incapable of recognising satire?
I’m fed up of sexual people, why don’t you all just be a little bloody self aware for once.
A hole is a hole, who gives a damn who the hole belongs to, it’s still bloody boring.
The irony is this actually happens in Iran – the government pays for the surgery!
Good thing I’m not married, what with all these gay men killing straight women and assuming their identity to steal the husbands!
Lol onion news… I like the end you are «required to wear a helmet while commiting sucide» lol
you are aware that this is a joke right?
I really hope this is a joke.
This is disgusting, you want to force people who go through transgender to wear a tattoo?
You also talk about gays, lesbians and transgender as if their not human beings.
What happened to equality and your ‘American dream’?
America is beginning to remind me of nazi Germany.
【】どなたかこちらの【】《現金》を受け取って頂ける方いませんか?受け取り希望の方は、【】から最短30分程でお受け取りする事が可能となっております… 本当にお困りの方はお受け取りしてくれるのをお待ちしております。
【】皆様にご相談があります…どなたかお金にお困りの方おりませんか?私は自分のお金の使い道に困っております。自分の諸事情なのですが…どなたか5,000,000円受け取って下さる方いらっしゃいませんか?どなたにでもお譲り致します。条件等は一切ございません。いきなりこんな所に書き込んでしまって失礼を承知の上ですが、どなたかに受け取って頂きたく思っております。受け取って頂けるという方は、こちらから【】か又は、youtube内の動画検索にて『 わくえ 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第、最短30分程でお受け取りになる事ができます。急な話で信じられないかもしれませんが、人生の転機は急に訪れるものです。お困りの方はご連絡の方お待ちしております。準備は出来ていますので本日中にでもお渡しできます。
Fuckin homofobs win r u ganna learn that gays and lesbians are human beings to so fuck u al rot in hell for judging -:(
So cool,like your vid!
Check me out please°!°
Love you
WTF is this. Someone took off the white jacket on him.
Great vid.. Kicking back wearing my sizetrac device. Been making my dick huge with it. I have gained 2 inches! google it..
«human being»?
It said «while committing suicide».
you’re disgusting human being.
5:24 I dono about you. but I want to see a video talking about slugs and snails
very nice video .
Love this video!
No, because a woman is ALWAYS going to give an X. It’s a 100%. However she tolds on to the other X. It isn’t going anywhere. A man can give off either an X or a Y. It all depends what HE gives, making it 50/50/
Probably because they got a sonogram at her doctor…
Actually no, his grammar was correct. My teacher always told me to see if it makes sense without the addition. For example, take out «for my wife». For I, wouldn’t make sense, but For Me, does. In your case, you’re thinking of a sentence like this: «My wife and I went to the doctor». If you take out «my wife», it leaves you with, I went to the doctor, not «Me went to the doctor».
Thanks community by sub the video.
hot chicks and cool dudes
The ant in the animation must have realized, that suddenly…
*sunglasses on*
…he was not half the man he used to be.
for my wife and I….
Is this TJ Hooker?
that was fantastic!
how do u know that your baby is gonna be a baby boy? its 50/50 right?
Wait, you mean you didn’t saw the sequel when Nemo joins LGBT?
i know that i was just askeing y there is only 1 y and 2 x’s
have you ever done a punnet square? there is a 50/50 chance of it being a boy or a girl
WAIT WAIT WAIT GUYS does anyone else think its weird how all of the known sex chromosomes are shaped like letters of the latin alphabet?
Great video and this should run daily in those countries where women are chastised for NOT giving birth to a son. Although knowledge of this might feasibly turn women in these countries into the rightful accusers regarding the «inability» to produce a son; these countries are also home to the majority of ignorant mysoginists who maintain their religion makes them superior.
Romney is EVIL. Romney makes my skin crawl. Romney IS EVIL.
Wait Nemo’s mom died…. Only his dad was left…..
Ants are wicked cool. The entire social structure of a tiny little ‘no brain’ insect like that just amazes me. Great video!
Another question some might wonder about is why women outlive men. The answer is that while women go to a neuter state after their ovaries die in menopause, men continue to produce sperm throughout their lives (unless they lose their gonads (testicles)). Those who lose their testicles live an average of 13 years longer than those who have sperm production continue because producing sperm exerts a drain on the male body.